Sara Jumper


Sara Jumper, originally from Colorado Springs, Colorado began her training at The Dance Center of Colorado Springs and later furthered her training with Antonia Matchefts. She competed in YAGP placing Top 12 in the Denver Semifinals in 2014. She then went on to join the Professional Training Division of Nashville Ballet for two years. From there she began her professional career, dancing with Colorado Ballet’s Studio Company, Zikr Dance Ensemble, BRIAH Danse, Columbia Classical Ballet, Nashville Ballet 2, and The Minnesota Ballet. She also had the opportunity to perform Balanchine’s Serenade at the 2017 Vail Dance Festival, alongside Colorado Ballet. She is now a freelance artist based out of New York City, regularly performing with Ballets with a Twist, City Dance NY, Minnie Lane and #QueertheBallet, as well as working for many project based choreographers and photographers..